wtorek, 10 stycznia 2012

Nauka angielskiego z Monty Pythonem

Skoro już mowa o sporcie to polecam maturzystom ćwiczenie słuchania przy filmiku Monty Pythona.

W trakcie oglądania postarajcie się odpowiedzieć na następujące pytania:
  1. How often do the Silly Olympics take place?
  2. Which Olympics are these?
  3. How many countries do the competitors come from?
  4. What sports are mentioned in the clip?
  5. Who's in the outside lane in the first sport?
  6. How many competitors are there in the marathon?
  7. How many countries do they come from?
  8. What do they have in common?
  9. Who sets the record in high jump?
  10. Who's in the lead in the marathon?

Mówiąc o sporcie nie możemy oczywiście pominąć piłki nożnej. A zatem, polecam ćwiczenia przy przezabawnym porówaniu piłki nożnej z footballem Amerykańskim, które przeprowadza... a jakże John Cleese z Monty Pythona. A oto i pytania:
  1. What does John like about football?
  2. Which type of football does he find more creative?
  3. How do American football players know what they are to do next?
  4. Why “football” is the wrong name for American football?
  5. What are the two creative things about American football?

A skoro już Anglik wypowiada się o piłce nożnej to nie możemy pominąć spalonego. Był czy nie był? Taka tematyka to idealna sytuacja do przećwiczenia pytań typu prawda / fałsz:
  1. The offside law is simple.
  2. The player is in the offside position when there are fewer than two players between him and the goal, period.
  3. The direction in which the ball is kicked matters.
  4. The player has to be active at the moment the ball is passed or to become active later on to be considered to be in the offside position.
  5. The linesman decides if the player is in the offside position.

Na zakończenie wychodzimy poza klimaty "Latającego Cyrku", ale dalej pozostajemy przy wyśmienitych angielskich komikach. Poniżej parodia programów piłkarskich autorstwa Davida Mitchela.  A oto i pytanka:
  1. What channel can you watch the football games on?
  2. How many teams are mentioned in the clip?
  3. What scores are mentioned?
  4. Have many times have Tottenham played Bolton so far this season?
  5. Who are Manchester United going to compete against?
  6. What should you do if you want to keep track of the results?


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